Welcome to the API documentation for text-to-speech / text-to-MP3 conversion

The API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes and verbs.

API access only for "Premium" plans.

Create Record API

This API also allows you to Create a record.



Request Type

Request Headers

Below are the list of Accepted Request Headers if you are trying to Create Project.

Request HeaderValueRequired
X-Master-Key <API_KEY> Yes
X-Master-Key Required

You will need this Key to access mostly any API end-point on TTSKit. You could find the key on the API Key page.

Query String Parameters

Query String ParameterValueRequired
projectId <Project Id> Yes
name <Record Name> Yes
contents <Record Content> Yes
projectId Required

You can add a record to a specific Project. This is helpful when you want to group these records in a specific folder.

You can pass the above parameter along with the Project Id which you could retrieve once you Create a Project.

name Required

Set the Name for the Record. You cannot set a name more than 200 characters.

NoteThe name is unique within the project.

contents Required

The content you want to convert to voice. The content must follow the following format:

Code Samples

  • cURL
  • Java
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • Python 3
  • Ruby

Request Response

Success Status Code: 200
Error Status Code: 400, 401, 402, 403, 500

For more information on the error codes & errors you might possibly encounter, refer to the below section.

Error Reference

  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 UnAuthorized
  • 402 Payment Required
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 404 Not Found
Invalid Route

To solve this issue, simply provide the correct Route.

Ensure your data complies with data constraints

You can refer to "subMessage" for more details.

You need to pass X-Master-Key in the header

You'll encounter this error if you are not passing the X-Master-Key header which is required to authenticate your request. In-order to fix this, pass the X-Master-Key header with a value of the API Key which you can find on the API Keys page.

X-Master-Key passed does not have permission to read the project.

Check if you are passing the right Project Id or the Id is valid but it does not belong to your account.

Currently, The API is only supported for premium users. Upgrade to Premium plan to use these features

You need to upgrade your account to the Premium Plan to use these features.

You are making requests too fast.

Approximately 1 request every 2 seconds.

The Project was not found.

No projects found with matching ID.

InfoText to speech takes a while, you can check the conversion status via Check Record Status